How to link a Wallet2Card virtual card in the AppStore?

To begin with, we need to enable VPN with the UK geo. Next, go to the AppStore and click on your Avatar in the upper right corner;

After that, we click on our iCloud;

Immediately after that, we go to the account settings and click on “Country/region”;

Next, we click on “Change country or region”;

We choose the UK from the list offered to us;

Immediately after this step, you will be transferred to the “Terms and Conditions” tab. There we click Accept;

We go to the payment method page and enter the card we need. In the line “Invoice recipient” you can write any name in English;

Then we write the address for billing exactly as in the photo. In a column with a phone number, you can enter absolutely any set of numbers. The main thing is that the number is NOT RUSSIAN.
Then click “Next”;

Done, you changed the region in the AppStore and linked the virtual map!
Now you can enjoy all the benefits and opportunities that data offers